About Us

Sheila and Kevin

Hi, we are Sheila and Kevin

Welcome to our page!  We are glad you’re here. We have been married for 26 years. During that time we each had successful careers in law enforcement, raised our two sons, moved across country twice, and now live in Arizona. We are facing an empty nest as both of our sons are off to college this fall.  In addition to the empty nest, Kevin has recently retired. We are entering a very different stage in our lives, what we feel will be the prime years of our life. Through the years, we saved for retirement and now we are ready to enjoy a comfortable post-professional lifestyle.  Twenty-six years ago the last line of our wedding vows was “Come along with me, the best is yet to be” – we plan for that to continue to be true, the best years are coming and we plan to make the most of our lives while we travel to explore new places, have new experiences and most importantly find joy in this new stage of our lives.